A better option for your unwanted Electronics!
Electronic Waste is considered hazardous as it often contains lead or mercury. There are many recycling centers that will buy e-waste, or you may drop it off for free at your local transfer station.
The process of E-Waste Recycling is environmentally responsible when completed properly, but ultimately the most important thing is to protect our land and our water from being polluted by a constant stream of fast fashion electronics.
Contents Processing Centre provides a slightly better option than general e-waste recycling. We collect electronics for a different charity each month and include any electronics that have been damaged by insurance claims. We then submit the e-waste to Computers for Kids capturing items that can be provided to local youth as educational tools.
Another option before recycling would be to have the items cleaned, our reasonably priced and environmentally responsible electronics cleaning capabilities may extend the life expectancy of your existing computer and electronics equipment.
Since opening, CPC has inspected, cleaned and recovered $1,329,742.15 of fire or flood affected electronics equipment. Translating into 47.81t in direct landfill offsets and 420.05t of CO2 offsets which theoretically could be doubled as the items original life expectancies were achieved making it unnecessary to replace them with new. We have always taken care to recycle items that could not be recovered.
Smaller items can be dropped off at the front door and larger items can be received at bay 1 between business hours from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
I’ve prepared an analysis of census data related to E-Waste in Canada which shows a successful recycling program in Ontario.